At HARPS we are focused on growing significant market share in the industry for the provision and distribution of Petroleum Products within the African Region. Our strategy is to continue developing our position in the West and Central African Region, by offering efficient and reliable service in the provision of fuel supplies. We believe that by contrasting our fuel trading business with other cutting edge services such as tank cleaning HARPS will grow in global recognition and in so doing build a worldwide reputation of being able to offer clients working with or within Africa with first class services.
We have chosen to lay more emphasis on our overall annual sales volume, which has a direct bearing on our unit costs as well as profits. This is in line with our belief that as we build volume we can use economies of scale to cut overhead cost such as shipping, public relations, port fees, cost of purchase etc, and therefore increase profits and/or reduce prices to further increase volume.
HARPS believes that the effective use of infrastructure such as marine assets and land storage further reduces the costs commonly associated with trading Products in the African Region. Infrastructure also enables the company to be able to guarantee and regularise supplies to clients a service they consider more valuable that lower pricing.
As well as oil trading, HARPS Nig is of the belief that growth in emerging markets must come as a result of diversified interests. The nature of the African Oil Market at the present time allows for companies to leverage on their reputations and new technologies in order to capitalise on new markets albeit in the same industry. By providing augmenting services to the oil majors in areas such as automated tank cleaning, HARPS will be in a stronger position to better cater for market uncertainties and further cement its position as one of the leading industry players.